Traveling new places is a wonderful sort of experience on its own, but there is something else to say about renting a car and backpacking African countries.
The sun was setting and I was still panicking. Then I stopped and laughed: "What is the use in panicking? No one is here to help me..." So there I was, wondering around the middle of Swaziland trying to find that one rock, or that one tree, before the sun was completely set. I'd cry and then laugh and then thought about how I'd rather die: in a cave 1,000 feet under with my friends or alone in the wild. I'd rather take my chances with the animals. I eventually found my way back to the rock outside the cave and decided to sit there for the next two hours. It was completely dark now and hundreds of bats flew out of the cave, hitting me in the head as they passed. I saw trees move in the distance but told myself it must have just been a cow or something...
I was ecstatic to see my friends again and was so proud of them. Sure I was too scared this time, but jumping out of a plane and diving with great whites were pretty cool, too. Beside, I sort of had my own little adventure. Afterward Sipo took us for pizza and beer, which I did not pass on. We then went to the hot spring which was packed with Swazi folks. We played keep away (boys vs. girls, my team ruled) in the hot spring under the starry African sky. Life is so good to me in Africa. After saying bye to our new Swazi friends, we had a few drinks and went to bed. The next day I blew too much money at the women's market (it's so hard to say no to them!!) and we departed for Maputo, Mozambique...where we spend the next three days. They were exciting and new and terrifying all at the same time...
studying at university of cape town's south african college of music, teaching children music in a black township of langa, musical therapy with kids who have severe burns, TB, HIV/AIDS, traveling the southern part of the continent. hoping to share exciting stories and learn as much as i can before i have to leave. i am the luckiest girl in the world...