No really, don’t – nasty little things they are. For those I haven’t told yet, I have fleas (I previously, accidentally wrote lice. I don't have lice, but fleas). Yes, exactly what you don’t want your dogs to bring in the house to give to your children after rolling around in the dirt all afternoon. I first discovered these lovely little red bumps on my right forearm and thought, “Oh, must be nothing.” Well, once they spread to the rest of my body and had me itching insanely in public, I thought I might visit the doctor. I’ve got some steroid cream and I’ve thrown out my bedding (the assumed source), so all is well, or will be. Moving along…
Each day I adapt more and more to my new home, and have still not been too homesick. It seems every time I talk to my mom or sister they ask if I’m eating well so, yes I am still eating well. I mostly “cook” (toast, sandwiches, fruit, anything easy) for myself but every now and then I’ll luck out and my roommate will cook for me. I don’t know what planet she comes from but girlfriend can whip up quite the meal. Used to always grabbing lean cuisines and other quick meals with my friends, I am fascinated with this whole population of student chefs. We also eat out often because it is so affordable.
As you might expect, the cost of living in South Africa is substantially less than that of the United States. When I run to the grocery store I can get out with ten days worth of food for about $15 US. A container of grapes is $.89, frozen pizza is $2.00, loaf of bread is maybe $.59, and so on. On our first trip to the liquor store we purchased a case (24 bottles) of Heineken for $12.00. This is all just to give you an idea of how much, or how little, things cost over here…
Being a vegetarian has been interesting too, because South Africans LOVE meat. Barbeques are common here (called Braais) so when I get to that awkward “oh, I actually don’t eat meat,” some people are shocked. This will be interesting when I venture to the townships during my family stay weekends. Some of my friends have already tried a game reserve restaurant and have eaten: crocodile, eland, shark, ostrich, and other animals, and while I said back in the States that I would try some new things, I haven’t been able to do it just yet, but some time in the remaining five months I will…
It is Saturday morning here and I have just finished my first week of classes (which I’ll write about it my next post – I could write for hours about the music). Take care of yourselves over there and I’ll write again in a couple of days. After my post about my classes you can expect an update every Friday afternoon..ish. I have more time after Wednesdays so if I don’t get to it on Thursdays I’ll surely write on Fridays. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement, and updates as well!
Hey Nikki!
ReplyDeleteMadame A. encore une fois! Je suis vraiment très heureuse pour toi. Quelle aventure! Ne t'en fais pas pour les petites bêtes.... ce n'est rien de très grave. Quant à la viande... s'il te plaît, ne mange pas TROP de viande à la fois. And I'll repeat that in English for your benefit - if you are a strict vegetarian, please be VERY careful re-integrating meat into your diet. When I went to Nigeria, I had been a vegetarian for 10 years. No meat. So I would take only one small bite of meat once a day or once every few days, and then very slowly increase the amount.... your stomach can't take it bec. it has no enzymes to digest it anymore.... so you have to let them "grow back"... All that said, I totally recommend you try it for a little while. You may find that a change in diet (to omnivore, including meat) might give you more energy... I was surprised that that happened for me, but it did! Now I eat it rarely, but in Nigeria, it was delicious! Bon courage! Amuse-toi bien!
Mme A.
Hi again, NIkki,
ReplyDeleteI just realized that the last time I wrote you was to your e-mail address.
Hope you're well!
Mme A. de Nerinx
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear that everything is well for you
I'm honestly jealous of all you get to do, but I know I could never do it myself. More kudos to you and more power to you for the whole vegetarian thing (its kind of like being Mexican where my family loves to cook steak and chicken and such and they always wonder "what is Nicole going to eat?")
Anyway keep updating the blod because it is wonderful to hear everything you're doing.
Good luck to you as always
<3 Nicole Kraut
Ahhhh! The fleas, I have not been that lucky.. but many of my fellow teachers got them in Uganda. I guess I do not taste as good...
ReplyDeleteGood luck
John Magee